Friday, January 16

Oh, hey, blog.

I'm Brittney. & I'm actually not sure I'm the same person who used to write this blog.. The same human, the same body.. I still love summer and the beach and Lake Powell, and I still call Jess on the phone daily.

Although, life happens and change happens. To start small, I clearly don't blog as often, and I don't love oreo's though as much as I once did. I've realized there is more room for me to grow than I ever thought possible and that being the student body president, is actually not even that big of a deal. Also, that despite what anyone tells you, high school is actually a very comfortable place to be.

Since the day I graduated, very little has stayed the same. I was excited for all the change, but for me it turned out to be black and white. Almost everything that once was, seemed to not be anymore. I wasn't ready for it, although I'm not sure how I could have been. & it all caused me to grow more than anything else in my life. I had to rediscover everything, and I guess I'm still in that process.
Not every day is perfect, but I'm definitely happy, and I love the life I live-- luckily that's remained a constant. I've learned a lot, and I like what I've learned..

Family is always the most important, and they should be your best friends; It's okay to dream big even if it seems unrealistic and scary; The gospel is astounding and beautiful, and it's something everyone deserves to have in their life; True friends should make your eyes light up with pure happiness; The future and the past always seem more ideal, when in reality each moment at some point is just the present-- so that's what you must embrace today; making big decisions are really scary, and they never seem to end, so you just pray lots and make lots of lists until something feels right, and Heavenly Father will take care of you...and that's only the start of the list.

& there's lots of things that I'm still trying to grasp too..
You don't have to know the answers to everything, life will still work out... and sometimes not everything has an answer right now, sometimes you have to let the loose ends be; Dreaming contains a sense of vulnerability, because what if it only leads to let downs.. which is I suppose where faith kicks in; Faith in a perfect eternal plan for you; Change means people come and go in your life.. people who you never thought would, and apparently that's just a part of life, and somehow you're supposed to just let them go... that's the one that's the hardest for me to accept-- accepting that some people's chapter in your life is over.

That's only the start.. so I'm learning, living, growing,you know, everything cliche, but absolutely true. & I like who I'm becoming. I like that college broke me down a bit to show me the potential of how much I can be built up. College is cool, BYU is cool, & it's just a good good life.

Friday, December 19


I'm realizing that this first semester of freshman year was actually dang good.

That in the two years since Aaron left, I have grown a lot.

That gift giving would be one of the coolest talents. & my two roomies sure have a knack for it.

That love is truely happiness. But it will come when the timing is right, and it's not something that is forced.

That my life is all truly a part of a plan.

That people obsess over other people far too often. & It's about time we learn to love our own lives just a little more.

That life is imperfect and life goes on.

Goodbye's are the literal worst.. but for once, change is actually exciting this time.

There's a lot more to people than you can realize in just a few months of knowing them.
& sometimes, the timing just isnt' quite right too.

People are put in your life for a reason. & college works wonders on a person.

Life without a roomie is real lonely.

& I hope they call me a mission. Soon too.

& that my dreams, can actually become realities.

& sometimes the prettiest lives aren't the ones on display.

I've got a lot of room to grow.

College bumped my life into perspective and it tried me and I really really liked that.
I love being a BYU cougar. & I am just super grateful for this life I'm living. :)                          

Monday, December 8

completely average & completely happy.

"and what? You're still just living your boring little life? Just working and going to school?"

I guess you're right. That's my life.
It isn't always sunshine and rainbows, better yet fireworks and excitement.
College is completely different than I thought it would be, & the complete change of social settings took a bit of adjusting to. But that doesn't mean it's not a happy, good life.

Life isn't a thrilling stunt or straight out of a movie every single day. To be honest, probably pretty rarely does it resemble either of those.

There is excitement in the little pieces. In getting asked on a cute date, or the prospective idea of moving to the east coast for a summer, or serving a mission... or even the things like the joy that comes when you ace a test, or have an amazing lesson in sunday school, or get ice cream with a couple friends.

& I'm not ashamed one bit that this is the life I am living. I love it. I am happy.

Sunday, November 2

Do more of what you love.

I simply can not find time to blog & workout.
& those happen to be two of the most rewarding things in my life.
Maybe rather than continuing to try and sub them in for other things, or squeeze them in somewhere,
I'll just toss them back in, and let the rest of life find a way to fit in around them.


Wednesday, October 1

Hopeful towards October.

[A glimpse into this life on the first of October twenty-fourteen.]

//You may not actually see this post for a little bit, because suddenly study groups and work projects everywhere are attached to my google account, which means excessive publicity of this little blog to people I'm not sure I'd like to know everything and more about me.. (once the study groups have calmed down perhaps...)

//I'm actually excited for Autumn this year. I've never particularly loved Fall, 100% a summertime sort of girl. But something about everyone walking around campus all bundled up, and the hopeful dream of cuddling up with someone on a chilly night just sound too beautiful to not be swooning over. & pumpkin steamers are just so dang good too. 

//Guys who dress well are another perk of this weather cooling off. & that one I sit by in class.. [insert heart eyes emoji..] You are far far too kind, and cute, and dates and snuggs maybe? (#hahiwish)

//I've constructed four perfect Pandora stations and I consider that to be one of my greatest life accomplishments. 

//There's lots of little blessings in life. Yesterday's was following a prompting to leave campus to walk home in the dark a little earlier than I'd planned on, and after I got back it poured rain the rest of the night. The tender mercies, right?

//I chopped my hair all off again a couple of weeks ago. Because I like short hair. 

//Like earlier stated, Fall was never my favorite time of year, but it does have a history of being exceptionally good... and that's why I'm secretly hoping this one will bring happy surprises and I'm not jinxing it by hoping that?

//I just survived my first ever test in the testing center. Hmm, maybe a college survival post will come up one day soon-- considering that actually is the only thing I know how to do right now.  

Wednesday, September 24

Grateful, but Wishing.

1) I wish there was more time in the day. Time to play the piano, to go for runs, to get adequate sleep, to write pretty blog posts-- and take pretty pictures to go with them, to snuggle up in bed and read novels, and to paint my toenails.

2) I wish bloglovin' wasn't blocked on campus wifi. What a joke, right? Blog reading has always been my favorite guilty pleasure and blogger just isn't quite the same.

3) I wish it was my turn again, to have some charming, sweet, handsome boy step into my life and sweep me off my feet. [remember in like 5th grade when you'd get nervous talking to your crush and giggle lots? Yeah, that happened again today-- heaven help me. #awkwardawkwardawkward]

but it's alright, because even if I just do work and school all day long, 
there's a lot to be grateful for. 

1) I have cute new best-friends. They make me so happy, and I'm not sure how I got so blessed. 

2) I absolutely love my classes. I love the readings. I honestly feel myself getting smarter and thrive off of it all. This college is truly a special place too.

3) I'm seeing all the incredible paths my life could take, and that's so exciting.

4) College isn't letting me down.. in fact it's even better than I could've imagined. & that's honestly a dream come true. 

Tuesday, September 23

The current daily.

Phone calls //with the fam, the Mom especially. & of course with Jess, the best friend.
Runs //They've become a delicacy, in the day, in the week. & running forms friendships. 
Classical Music //If I'm in my room, I am studying. and that means Pandora is set to Piano Solo's. 
Dorm Friendships //Our door is literally always open, we may have the party room & that makes for some real nice new friendships. (and not nearly enough studying done..)
Studying //Work, school, eat, study, sleep. That is this college life. Endless hours of reading and essays and tests. 
Study dates //the little perks of college. [& who knows, maybe I'll get super lucky and one day they won't just be study dates..] 
Sleep //maybe one of the lesser items. But I've learned if I get in a good in and our 10 minute doze at the beginning of my long classes, I can stay awake for the rest of the class. Impressive right? ;)
Lunchtimes //I am now a subway regular. & that hour is one my favorite of the day. People watching, solid chats, occasional new friends, and lots of reading, all from my little spot on the edge of the room. 
Snacks //Study snacks essentially. (You catching the trend?) Two people have gone through almost an entire bag of animal crackers in two days. The amount of fruit snacks, pretzels, and tortilla chips is close behind. 

& a whole heck of a lot of goood good times.