Wednesday, September 24

Grateful, but Wishing.

1) I wish there was more time in the day. Time to play the piano, to go for runs, to get adequate sleep, to write pretty blog posts-- and take pretty pictures to go with them, to snuggle up in bed and read novels, and to paint my toenails.

2) I wish bloglovin' wasn't blocked on campus wifi. What a joke, right? Blog reading has always been my favorite guilty pleasure and blogger just isn't quite the same.

3) I wish it was my turn again, to have some charming, sweet, handsome boy step into my life and sweep me off my feet. [remember in like 5th grade when you'd get nervous talking to your crush and giggle lots? Yeah, that happened again today-- heaven help me. #awkwardawkwardawkward]

but it's alright, because even if I just do work and school all day long, 
there's a lot to be grateful for. 

1) I have cute new best-friends. They make me so happy, and I'm not sure how I got so blessed. 

2) I absolutely love my classes. I love the readings. I honestly feel myself getting smarter and thrive off of it all. This college is truly a special place too.

3) I'm seeing all the incredible paths my life could take, and that's so exciting.

4) College isn't letting me down.. in fact it's even better than I could've imagined. & that's honestly a dream come true. 

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