Wednesday, May 21

God Knows You.

It's cool the way Heavenly Father truly knows your heart.

How I read something today and immediately began to feel inadequate, [everyone's tweeting about how great of President's they were, they got spotlighted in a magazine, they did this and this and this.. etc. etc. etc..]. trying to brush it off and not let it weigh me down.. but He knew how it was bothering me.

and He answered that in the most perfect little way possible, [going to Young Women's and receiving the sweetest most sincere compliments, and a leader who works at the school talking about the role I've played.. and looking back over the incredible year we've had] reminding me I was good enough, and everyone's different so there's no need to compare.

Sometimes, when you're doing what's right, He's there for you even before you have to ask.

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