Wednesday, October 1

Hopeful towards October.

[A glimpse into this life on the first of October twenty-fourteen.]

//You may not actually see this post for a little bit, because suddenly study groups and work projects everywhere are attached to my google account, which means excessive publicity of this little blog to people I'm not sure I'd like to know everything and more about me.. (once the study groups have calmed down perhaps...)

//I'm actually excited for Autumn this year. I've never particularly loved Fall, 100% a summertime sort of girl. But something about everyone walking around campus all bundled up, and the hopeful dream of cuddling up with someone on a chilly night just sound too beautiful to not be swooning over. & pumpkin steamers are just so dang good too. 

//Guys who dress well are another perk of this weather cooling off. & that one I sit by in class.. [insert heart eyes emoji..] You are far far too kind, and cute, and dates and snuggs maybe? (#hahiwish)

//I've constructed four perfect Pandora stations and I consider that to be one of my greatest life accomplishments. 

//There's lots of little blessings in life. Yesterday's was following a prompting to leave campus to walk home in the dark a little earlier than I'd planned on, and after I got back it poured rain the rest of the night. The tender mercies, right?

//I chopped my hair all off again a couple of weeks ago. Because I like short hair. 

//Like earlier stated, Fall was never my favorite time of year, but it does have a history of being exceptionally good... and that's why I'm secretly hoping this one will bring happy surprises and I'm not jinxing it by hoping that?

//I just survived my first ever test in the testing center. Hmm, maybe a college survival post will come up one day soon-- considering that actually is the only thing I know how to do right now.  

1 comment:

  1. Short hair is the best! not everyone can pull it off like you do. I'll be home in November (short trip 13th-16th) can we spend a day or evening drinking hot chocolate exploring Sundance? I agree that summer is far superior than fall, although not having pretty colored trees and Utah prettiness has made (utah)fall grow a place in my heart!


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