Yay for high school, and for High School Musical 3 lryics.
I still miss my Seniors from last year. Looking through last years yearbook tonight, tears definitely streamed down my face as I saw the class of '13. Because they're not just faces, they're endless memories.
...the kids from calc lab that we always joked about kissing with, I'd laugh so hard
...the sweetest girl I've ever met who was always so willing to help me understand during calculus
...my cross country girls, and our runs together
...that one girl who drove me absolutely mad, I'm even kinda missing her
...the mural groupies, we spent
so much time together
...the best friends: the weirdest, funniest, craziest, greatest group of guys i've ever known
...the cutest girl that I bonded with in crazy Mrs. Snow's chemistry class
...my buddies from Hamilton's spanish class #yachtclub, skiing adventures with them
...the kids from student council. endless memories attached there..
this list never ends.. high school has been
so so so good to me.
I know I'll love college, I'm still stoked out of my mind for it.
but I am going to just have to keep looking forward, because whether I realized it or not in the moment, I
loved high school, and looking back hurts so so bad.
I have all these memories that I never ever want to forget. They're the ones that have made me who I am today. They're people who have changed my life. But they're simply part of the past now.
& it hurts so bad that in just a couple days, it will be a whole 'nother round of goodbye's. The amount of faces that I'll look back on while the tears pour out will double. Because I love the class of '14 so so much also.
& I'm not crying because I wish I was there again. I am done with high school, but I sure do love PG a whole lot, there's no where else I'd rather have gone. & I'm incredibly grateful for every single one of those faces.
High school, I did absolutely love you.