I've gotten caught up on the what if's and I probably haven't been myself lately because of it.
What if my roommate drives me absolutely crazy?
What if everyone hates me? What if no one even notices I'm there?
What if I'm the only one without friends?
What if I hate college. & miss high school tons? There's no going back..
What if college doesn't live up to the hype it's recieved my entire life???
What if I do get married quick like everyone says I'm going to?
What if I don't stay close with Madds, Nicole, Rache, and Jess?
What if I never see my missionary friends again?
Guys, scary stuff.
Okay fine, half irrational, but really, half completely rational too.
Faith, right? Everything that happens will happen for a reason, & put my trust in God because He has a plan for me. *deep breaths* it'll all be okay.
& Hannah Montana knew what she was talking about then when she said, "Life's what you make it, so let's make it rock." You're right Hannah. Life is what I make it. & attitude can be everything. So I guess holla for college! Ready or not, here I come.