Monday, June 30

Food for thought: Stereotypes.

It's funny, the way every sport has a stereotype, and whether or not people believe it, it's proved to be pretty true.
From day one at the sports camps, when we're doing check-in, as they walk in you can pick out right away which camp they'll be attending.
The gymnasts walk different than the basketball players, but so do the tennis girls.
The soccer girls all wear their Hawaiian sandals (along with everyone else in Provo) and the runners show up with pony tails and running shorts.
There are hardly similarities between the way the basketball, rugby, tennis, and golf guys act.
I'm not sure why each group has a different personality, or how each sport got assigned the stereotype they did. But it's surprisingly accurate... in the most positive way though. Stereotype has the connotation of everything negative, but these kids really are for the most part incredibly great kids.
So I suppose they're the stereotypes minus the negatives.
It's weird, like where did the stereotypes even start anyway?

Friday, June 27

Holla for the Happy Life.

I don't feel at peace when my blog isn't caught up, so I'll definitely be filling in the gaps, but in reality, I haven't actually posted for two weeks. ooops.

but right now, I'm seriously living the life. 

I make a set of ten new best friends each week. [& get left with a real hard goodbye at the end.]
I have funny experiences. and too much time-- to run, and sleep and eat.
I'm making money, and getting free housing & meals.
& I still have time to hang out with my best friends, for lunch meet-ups, or weekend adventures.

& I'm so so so happy.

Wednesday, June 25

Dating Advice: Kindness Matters.

You're right, I'm only eighteen and therefore not the most experienced when it comes to dating, but that poor 25ish year old must've missed the kindness lesson in Kindergarten. (note: all fake names) 

[Counselor table in the cafeteria. Currently three girls, one guy (probs a Type C) involved in conversation.]

Girls: *talking about their roommates for the week*
Girl 1: Oh yeah, I'm with Sarah. 
Guy: Oh, she's like the one with the squished face!
Girls: *pause, all giving a confused look towards him like didyoureallyjustsaythat??*
Guy: Well like, she's super pretty! Her face is just all like squished like! I'd still date her though! (yes, that many 'like's')
Girl 2: (changing the subject) So who is your DC? (the counselor's counselor)
Girl 3: We have Liz. 
Guy: Oh is she like.. like really.. not that appealing?
Girl 1: Uhm, what? She's super pretty. 
Guy: No, but like, she's not fun, at all. 
Girl 2: No, she great! 
Guy: Oh, so she's the one with like the huuuge hair! 
Girl 3: (finally) You give thee WORST descriptions of people!! 

Guys, this conversation really happened. Shortly followed by this one:

Guy: Well guys, my roommates both got engaged over the weekend... so that just leaves me again. *looks around at each girl* I'm the last one... again.. This keeps happening to me!*Looks at all of us one more time* Like I wouldn't mind being married at all. Oh boy, I'll have to find new roommates again.. Wow, plus I'm even older than all of them... *eye contact again* I mean it's just weird it happens this way, you know? *Tried to lighten the mood with an awkward laugh*

Poor guy, I do feel bad for him.. but just please bless he figures it out.

Tuesday, June 24

The Daily Schedule.

9:00.....drop off the girls at practice., and stretch (potentially more stretching than exercising)... shower, or nap, or just chill.
11:30....or 12ish lunch. [aka social time] for 2ish more hours. up with other friends while they eat lunch. [more social time] or nap, or run errands, or play the piano, anything goes.
3:30.....meeting and back to work.
4:00.....dinner. seven peaks, dances, creamery, free snow cones, karaoke, bowling, games, parties.. the greatest of times.
11:00...[or 2am] lights out.

Life is Goood. {3 o's}

Monday, June 23

Monday Funday?

I didn't get an e-mail back today for the first time & it was a relief.
Gymnasts have got a definite personality and I still envy their strong little bodies.
I like to think I'll always be a gymnast at heart.
My girls finally lightened up to me and this week is going to be a good one.
My knack for remembering names finally resurfaced.
Lunch with Madd was good, & my High School friends will always be my closest ones.
I admit the counselor's I work with are cuties, and that one was working those chaco's like I've never seen before.

Happy Monday.

Sunday, June 22

"We all want to know, how it ends."

Happily Ever After ~He Is We
You'll be home & I'll be wrapped up in your arms again before we even know it.
Or will I ever be wrapped up in your arms again?
...Will I find arms that hold me better?
...Will you find one who fits better than I did?
...Before I even get another chance?
...Will I give you that chance?

...answers sure would be nice. Although I am just grateful I'm not the one saying goodbye right now. Somehow I go lucky enough to get a year head start. My heart aches when I watch the goodbye's. Two years is a whole lot shorter than you think, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

Sometimes you don't realize how much you cared until they're gone.

Saturday, June 21

The extent of Strawberry Days '14.

We prepped strawberries & cream for three hours at the carnival tonight. 
Crazy? Yes, a little, but a lovely time none the less.
Things I'm lovin': Strawberry days. Strawberries & cream. These sisters of mine. The girl photo bombing^. Pleasant Grove. Our Viking t-shirts. Fireworks. Summer. 
No doubt I'll miss having them around once I move out. 

One of those 'Feel Good' kinda times.

The cliche that life is a roller coaster is 100% true. 
But right now, I'm coasting, I'm flying, and life is being real good to me. 
I feel good about college. About the classes I'm signed up for. About my job, and my job in the fall. 
About my hair that is finally working. (it took some serious patience) 
The 'lunch bunch' makes every day better.
Today Jess & I finally celebrated my birthday. With new panties #tmi & fro-yo.
& of course a trip to the water tower, which will always be my happy spot. 
{& I can't help but let the memories flood back.}
& I remembered how my best friend is the greatest in the whole world.
Summer is a real good time, & I'm grateful this one isn't letting me down. 
{& you know, I also believe 100% that the reason life is working out, is because I was willing to trust in God, and live the gospel and it's commandments. It's funny the way it works, but I don't doubt for a second that God's plan truly is a plan of happiness. & I'm so grateful to know that.} 

Friday, June 20

Yay for Friday!

Happy List: Super senioring with the XC team. Fieldtrip Friday. Long runs. Bridal Veil falls. New running tops. Blueberry-vanilla protein shakes. This weather. How green and vibrant everything looks. Just summer.

Thursday, June 19

Ballers. #week1

 The first day they told me I reminded them of Dorothy. [whether or not that's a good thing, idk?]
We stuck together from the start, and quickly became best friends.
They woke me up for breakfast when I'd accidentally sleep in.
One took a selfie with a garbage can, one rode piggy back on a random kid, and took a lap around the track with a random runner. 
They were mostly from Northern California. (& Colorado or Wyoming or whatever ;)
They awkwardly set me up to dance with the cutest counselor there. 
If I talked to any guy counselor they'd tease me and then judge whether or not he was good enough. 
One girl knocked down a light pole trying to straddle it. She also swallowed a dime.
The twins karaoked "Love is an Open Door" & one sang the guy's notes.
They were very sassy, and dang good at basketball. 
They were the sweetest ever, bought me flowers and a card, and I almost cried when I had to say goodbye. 
They made my first week the absolute greatest.

I hope goodbye's aren't really the end.

It's sad the way people move in and out of your life. Signing high school yearbooks was the first time it really really hit me. Just how temporary it all is.. I wonder why we are allowed to grow so close to people if goodbye's really do sometimes mean the end? It just doesn't quite make sense.. I'd like to think somewhere along the way, in this life or maybe the next, we'll all meet up again, and those friendships will prove to be even more meaningful and important. 

Tuesday, June 17

The RM Analysis.

Rumor has it that the marriage thirst at BYU is absolutely ridiculous? Unlike anything you've ever seen before? (single's ward comes close) Yes, the rumors are proving to be more true than I ever could've imagined.

My days are spent with: 
A) youth mostly ages 10-15, and 
B) the *RM's...

I am in fact closer in age to most of participants than I am the counselor's, and therefore that's who I typically hang out with, at the dances, seven peaks, etc. Although, I get my share of counselor time. Group B (the RM's) can be further broken down by general thought processes: 

A) Schooling is important. Having a social life is chill. Dating is fun. I'll get married when the right person comes along. (Yay for chill, normal people) 
B) Marriage. Marriage. Marriage. Marriage. Marriage. (the one's obsessed with marriage)
C) Oh no, I'm 25. I'm not married. *hyperventilation* Someone, ANYONE, PLEASE MARRY ME. 

Guys, the marriage thirst is real. & I'm avoiding getting sucked into this marriage thirsted dating game at all costs. I've decided to start making a point that I am in fact only 18. #ageisnotjustanumber

*Returned Missionaries

Monday, June 16

Then to Now. #mirrorselfies

Or, Now from Then.

[on the right] 
I was going to be a junior in high school. At EFY for the second time and I loved every second of it. 
I thought I had life pretty well figured out, and maybe I did.. 

[on the left]
I'm back for a camp once again. Except this time on the flip side. 
They gave me a fancy little magnetic name tag, and I'm hoping it's all I've imagined it up to be. 
One thing is for sure, the girl on the left has had so many more experiences, and is much more ready to take on the world. Confession: I'm incredibly excited to move out. Bring on this new life.

Sunday, June 15

Sunday Sketchin'

Turns out people are my favorite subject to practice sketching. & sometimes that means picking a pretty picture of a random girl I follow on insta. That's allowed, right? 


It's not a perfect picture-- for goodness sake it's a mirror selfie, & me trying to learn how to use my beloved birthday gift.
My hair is anything but perfect-- in fact, I just barely got a brush through it for the first time in two weeks.
My room is clearly a mess-- I don't have my life completely together.
These words don't flow quite right, and I probably won't go back to edit it.
& that's only the start of life's imperfections... sometimes it's easy to get caught up in trying to make everything look and seem and be, perfect, and that's just not reality.
& I guess that's why it's good to take a step back, and love the imperfections.
Those notes on my mirror are ones Jess wrote months ago-- and they make me smile daily.
The yellow schedule was for coaching rec track-- it just ended and it was the absolute greatest.
I got my lashes dyed again, so holla for no make-up.
& this dress is my favorite, & it has pockets.

It's not a picture perfect life, it's my real one, and it's the little things that keep me happy. 
Life is good.

Completely romantic.

I wish people still used the word "romantic" the way Anne of Green Gables does. 
Not like all lovey dovey, but like beautiful, or extraordinary, almost surreal, unrealistic and idealistic.. romantic. I'm not sure exactly how to define it.. 

But like how running under a full moon last night, alone, [no stress, my teammates were close by] was completely romantic

Saturday, June 14


Holla Eighteen. 
A year that'll evoke many changes, and probably some decisions too, but I'm stoked for it all. 

Morning with my team. #24hourrelay
Afternoon with the cousins. #familyreunion
& Evening with the parents. #cheesecakefactory

& it was considered a success, no doubt. 

Friday, June 13


Except luckily not summertime sadness. [like the song]
Nope, just lots and lots of summertime happiness around here.

Thursday, June 12

Like I Dipped My Head in Molasses.

It's been 10 days since I've shampooed my hair. Yuck is right. 

It was about a year ago that I read about the whole "no 'poo hair" for the first time. It sounded crazy, but also super nice to not have to wash your hair as often, keep it natural, free from chemicals, and just have all around healthier hair right? Great, except for that 2-3 week adjustment period.

When trying it last summer, I only went about three days before thinking, "This is gross, this looks awful, and if I'm going to be hanging out with him, I should definitely wash my hair." & then I gave up....

10 days ago we ran out of shampoo, and I thought "hmm, why not try that whole "no 'poo" thing again. I don't have a someone special who would prefer my hair nice and clean. I don't start work for two more weeks. I don't have anything I'll need to look super nice for in the next two weeks. Perfect."

...and that's how this journey began. If it works out, I'll let you know and then probably try to sell it to you too, but for now, I just know my hair is a straight up disaster.

Holla for that pathetic junior high flip bun on top of my head for the past ten days. 
My fingers are definitely crossed. 

Monday, June 9

literally bloglovin'

[can we just mention how much better bloglovin' is than google reader? yeah, incomparable.] 

It feels good to be back in the blogging world. I forgot how inspiring it is. Sometimes it's nice to just sit back, put aside your to do list for a half hour or so and just let others pretty words inspire you.
Here are just a few of my favorite posts from today... Seriously read them all, such quality stuff.

A Bit on Slowing Down by Emily Meyers 

Elsie's absolutely flawless Costa Rica in iPhone Photos

& Emma's take on marriage, One Year Later

A Little Peek into our Monday Nights from Lex, Ellie could not be any cuter. 

and last, cute Lexi's post, The Light of Life, so perfectly sincere and sweet. 

Friday, June 6

Life at the Bottom of the Totem Pole.

It's like being in 7th grade all over again, or Sophomore Year. 
That first day you enter the ring, it feels as though all eyes are on you, and it's clear, you do not belong. Whether they really don't like you or not, at least their lack of care for you is apparent.  You're simply just there, in the way, taking up space.

Senior year felt good, not being in that stage in the slightest. 
Unfortunately graduation actually kicked us back down to the bottom, to try and climb the ladder once again. 
Unlike Junior High, where the sevies stick out like dandelions on a perfect lawn, it's a little bit easier to blend in up here, luckily, because younger, just isn't appealing. They'll hardly give me the time of day better yet become my friend when they realize I'm only 17. Act it and they'll buy it, right? Yes, usually.. 

My co-workers/other counselors for the summer, are basically all returned missionaries. I swear even most the girls are.. needless to say I am much younger; but I have gotten to the point where I can answer almost every question without having to disclose my age. 
[what's your major? Where are you working right now? Where do you fall in your family? Where did you grow up?] 
that is, until the dreaded question pops up.. 

"so what year did you graduate?"then my whole body tenses up, I become incredibly tempted to lie, then refrain, and then awkward pause, and then I kind of mumble out, "uhm, uh, two weeks ago?" Yeah, now the conversation is more awkward than that pause, because they were very likely deceived and expecting a much different response. No matter how well the conversation had previously been going, after politely continuing for no more than a minute, they excuse them self. Not even kidding. [I thought people didn't care about age anymore??] 

so such is the life of a college freshman. I like new friends, especially the good looking ones. 
Hah, guess I'll just have to work on my distraction/topic changing tactics.

Sunday, June 1

SS: I believe in life after death.

it was all just ending, graduation gifts had been given, lots of good food eaten, stories and memories shared.
some had already left, and it was just such a good happy time together, the last few were just filtering out.
As Grandpa gave me a hug goodbye, he said, "we sure are proud of you Brittney"
and in that moment, my Grandma was more present than ever.. not physically, but her spirit definitely was. I couldn't help but tear up as her spirit filled the room.  
I know she was there in that moment, and I'm sure she listened to me speak too. I knew she was proud.
I made a promise to her and myself, right after she had passed away, that I would choose the right so we could all live together again someday, I promised her that I would do great things in my life, and I wouldn't let her down. & I think she promised me that she'd be there too-- in those important moments in my life. 
I'm so grateful to know that my Savior died for me, so that I can live with her again someday. [link]

This is Real Life

social media is sort of funny.

it's a place we come to share our thoughts with the world. our perspectives, adventures, stories. our lives, really to share ourselves.

Although people are so obsessed with impressing and pleasing everyone, trying to look like some picture perfect person living an absolutely ideal life, that they turn out to be anything but real.

it's like the family we saw at slick-rock. [a moderately challenging bike course in Moab.] They got the family, five or so young kids, one with training wheels, and all stood at the entrance sign posed with their bikes for a picture.
After taking the pictures they rode around the parking lot for a bit before loading back up to leave. [Sure, I don't know the situation] I'd bet that that picture appeared on face book with some caption along the lines of "so fun, biking slick-rock with the family!!" where people commented, praising and admiring.

social media turns into that far too often. people living a life solely for the purpose of posting about it. is that truly living??
blogs shouldn't be about trying to prove yourself, or impress others.
a blog should be real. that doesn't have to mean full of negativity, or that blogs shouldn't still be nice and enjoyable. but people and girls need to realize it's okay not to be perfect, don't hesitate before sharing your ideas with the world, don't be ashamed to be you because we're only human.

speak your mind, and wear your heart on your sleeve, if that's perfect photography, great, but if it's flawed phrases and thoughts, that's okay too.

...if I'm going to inspire someone, I'd rather inspire someone through who I really am than by the face I'm putting out and pretending to be.